Welcome to Blog a Media Afandi Indonesia, by Ahmad Afandi,ST - Sakra Timur, Nusa Tenggara Barat


Senin, 21 Maret 2011


The demand for qualified graduates of educational institutions increasingly urgent because increasing competition in employment. One of the implications of globalization in education that is the deregulation that opened the opportunity educational institution (including foreign universities) opens his school in Indonesia. Therefore, competition in labor market will be more severe.

Anticipating the changes are so rapid and the challenges of an increasingly large and complex, there is no other way for educational institutions to pursue all ways to improve the competitiveness of graduates and other academic products, which among others, achieved through improving the quality of education.

This paper discusses about a new paradigm in education, how produce quality can take place in education, and how the role of technology and management system to support the ongoing attainment of quality education them.

To achieve the implementation of quality education, known by the need new paradigm of education focused on autonomy, accountability, accreditation and evaluation. The four pillars of management is expected to eventually be able to produce quality education (Wirakartakusumah, 1998).

Quality is a subjective and relative terms which can be interpreted with various ways in which each definition can be supported by the argument that just as good.
Quality can be defined broadly as the aggregate characteristics of the product or service that satisfy the needs of consumers / customers. Quality characteristics can be measured quantitatively and qualitatively. In education, quality is a success a fun learning process and provide enjoyment. Customers can of those who directly into receiver products and services or their who will feel the benefits of products and services.

The definition of autonomy in education is not fully get the deal understanding and implementation. But at least, can be understood as form of delegation of authority such as the acceptance and management of participants students and faculty / non-academic staff, curriculum development and teaching materials, and determination of academic standards. In its application in schools, for example, most not that teachers / lecturers should be given the rights of a profession that has authority in the classroom, and not merely as the representative of the bureaucracy in top.

Accountability is defined as the ability to produce outputs and outcome that satisfy the customer. Accountability requires equivalence between destination institution with reality in terms of norms, ethics and values (Values) including all programs and activities that are implemented. This require transparency (openness) of all parties involved and accountability for the use of all resources.

A control from the outside through the evaluation process of quality development
institutions. Results of accreditation is needed by community that shows the position of the institution in produce a quality product or service. Implementation of accreditation conducted by an authorized body.

Evaluation is a systematic effort to collect and process information that lead to the conclusion about the value, benefits, and the performance of educational institutions or units to be evaluated, then using the results evaluation in decision-making and planning. Evaluation can be done internally or externally.

To be able to produce quality, according to Slamet (1999) there are four businesses issues must be conducted in an educational institution, namely:

  1. Creating the situation "win-win" (win-win solution) and not the situation "lose-win "among parties concerned with education institutions (Stakeholders). In this respect, especially among leaders of institutions with institution staff should occur on a mutually beneficial conditions with each other in achieving quality products / services produced by that institution.
  2. The need for cultivated the intrinsic motivation of each person  involved in the process of reaching quality. Every person in the institution should growing motivation that their activities reach a certain quality which is increasing constantly, especially in accordance with the needs and expectations of users / customers.
  3. Every leader should be oriented to the process and long-term results. Application integrated quality management in education is not a process term changes short, but long-term business that consistently and continuously.
  4. In a move all the institution's ability to achieve quality education determined, should develop the cooperation between the elements of the perpetrator process of achieving quality results. Do not be among them there is competition which disrupt the process of achieving quality results. They are entities that must cooperate and can not be separated from one another to produce quality as expected.
Within the framework of the development of integrated quality management, business education does not Another is an effort "service" that provides services to pelangggannya, namely those who are studying in educational institutions (Karsidi, 2000).

The customer service education consists of various elements of at least four groups (Sallis, 1993). They are the first to learn, can be student / student / students / participants to learn the so-called client / customer's primary (Primary external customers). These are directly benefiting service education of these institutions. Second, the clients associated with people who sent to the institution, namely the parents or the institution where the client work, and their customers is what we call secondary (secondary external customers). Another customer is the third character of tertiary employment may government and the public using the output of education (tertiary external customers). In addition, a fourth, the institutional relationship, there are still other customers that is derived from the internal institutions; they are the teachers / lecturers / tutors and staff administration of educational institutions, and leaders of education institutions (internal customers). Although the teachers / lecturers / tutors and administrative staff, and leaders of institutions education will be involved in the process of service delivery, but they include also when viewed from the customer relationship management. They are concerned with institutions is to go forward, because the more advanced and the quality of an educational institution they will benefit, both pride and financially.
As mentioned above that the quality improvement program should be oriented to needs / expectations of customers, then the educational services of an institution must taking into account each customer above. Satisfaction and pride from their as beneficiaries of education services should be a reference for the program improving the quality of education services.
Potential development, and student activity is certainly the most important in improving the quality of education. Good physical development, both physical and
brain, to determine his progress. Similarly, others, such as talent, mental development, emotional, pibadi, social, mental attitudes, values, interests, understanding, age, and health; all of which will affect the learning outcomes and quality someone. For that, the attention to paserta learners becomes very important.

The application of technology in education directly affects the decision- decisions about specific educational process. For instance: an application that has important impact on the content (content) that will be taught, the level of standardization and selection of content, quantity and quality of available resources.
Main problems facing education in Indonesia's most important is about: improving the quality, equitable educational opportunities, and relevance education to national development. So broad and far reach trying to achieve our educational development programs, but on the other sources increasing resources available are limited and rare.
The facts mentioned above show that the solution education issues we need other alternatives besides how- The conventional way of settlement, known so far. Various potential owned by technology in education and then allow it proposed as a alternative to solve these problems. In general, applications of technology in education will be able to:

    1. disseminate information widely, uniform and fast.
    2. assist, complement, and (in some cases) replace the task of teachers.
    3. used to conduct instructional activities both directly and as a byproduct.
    4. supporting community learning and invites public participation.
    5. increase the diversity of resources and learning opportunities.
    6. add interest to learn.
    7. help change the attitude of the user.
    8. affect the views of users of materials and processes.
    9. have the advantage of cost-effectiveness ratio, compared with the system
        traditional. (Miarso, 1981)

If the original educational technology (in a very limited sense) is seen only role in implementing curriculum standards in the classroom, a new conception of technology requires education as an input (input), even from the stage of curriculum planning. With Thus already from the planning curriculum must also be reviewed and determined form educational technology to be applied.
Selection of technology in education will open up the possibility for the birth various alternative forms of new institutions that provide learning facilities, in addition to can serve all forms of educational institutions that already exist for example the possibility for some form of open school learning facilities and procedures quite different conventional school, but with the result (output) the same.

A series of criteria for the use of technology in education, among others: should guarded suitability (compatibility) with the tools and technology that already exists, can stimulate the development of technology and science, and it increases efforts to improve the quality of education itself.

Thus, the application of a technology in education will greatly possible large-scale changes in the interaction between source-learning learning resources with learning players.

One possible change is the implementation and change information technology in education through the implementation of distance learning.

One of the essence of the education process is nothing but the presentation of information. In present information, be communicative. In a communication in general, thus Similarly in education, the right information presented is the information required, that is meaningful, in terms of: (1) is economically profitable. (2) t is technically possible to be implemented, (3) socio-psychological acceptable fit with the norms and values ​​that exist, and (4) appropriate or in line with the policy / demands of existing development.

The concept of "meaningful" is critical to the success of the dissemination of information can be absorbed and implemented target / learners. Therefore, Williams (1984) states that communication is mutual exchange of meaningful symbols.
Williams emphasizes that: (1) we are not able to exchange meaning, (2) we only physically exchange symbol, and (3) communication will not happen, unless we share meanings to certain symbols.

About giving information to others (eg to learners), then that information should be meaningful information for people who concerned. To be able to know and understand the information actually needed, even the priority required information we need to understand, communicator need to act as an observer and a good listener. So it was not information that we conveyed to know, but that we submit is the information really meaningful and necessary target.

And meaningful information needed is information that can help / speed up decision making for the change, and that useful to encourage such changes. For this reason, the election information have to be really selective with which to consider the type of technology precisely chosen as the medium.

History, now with the development of computers and modern information systems, re- offers a new enlightenment. The information revolution promises interaction structure humanity a better, fairer and more efficient.

Global information revolution is its success in uniting the ability computing, television, radio and telephony to be integrated. This is the result of a combination of a revolution in personal computers, data transmission, bandwidth
(Bandwidth), data storage technology (data storage) and delivery of data (data access), integration of multimedia and computer networks. Convergence of the technological revolution these have brought together a variety of media, namely sound (voice, audio), video, image (image), graphics, and text (Sasono, 1999).

As a result of the information technology revolution has been, is and will change human life by promising way of working and living in a more effective way, more useful, and more creative. As the two sides, good and bad, from a technology, information technology also have this thing. Where should This technology is directed and placed and utilized with truth must be taken into account, because if wrong, a nation will suffer as a result fatally.

In the world of education, the information revolution will affect the type of option
technology in education, in fact, this revolution will certainly permeate all aspects
life, (including education), every corner of business, health, entertainment, governance, employment patterns, trade, production patterns, even patterns of inter-community relations and between individuals. This is a challenge for all nations, communities and individual. Ready to greet our educational institutions?

The development of technology (especially information technology) lead role school as educational institutions will begin to shift. Schools no longer will be the only center of learning for learning activities are no longer constrained by space and time. The role of teachers will also not be the only source of learning because many learning resources and sources of information that can facilitate a person to learn.

Wen (2003) a technology entrepreneur has the idea of ​​reforming the system future education. According to him, if children are taught to be able to learn on their own, create, and live their lives with courage and confidence of the facilitation environment (family and community) and not only emphasize the role of schools to get the test scores are fine, it will be much better to produce future generations. The orientation of education is overlooked is how to have graduated from a school can be enough knowledge and competent in field, but also mature and healthy personality. Even the concept of school the future, he said, would change drastically. Physically, the school does not longer need to provide resources that traditionally contain buildings large buildings, energy and many other devices. Schools must work together are complementary with other learning resources, especially facilities that have a "virtual school".

However advances in information technology in the future, the existence schools will still be needed by society. We can not remove the school, because the reason there has been an advanced information technology. There are certain sides of function and role of school that can not be replaced, such as teacher-student relationship in function to develop a personality or social relationships, a sense of
solidarity, social cohesion, and others.

Information technology is only possible to substitute the function of disseminating information and learning resources or sources of teaching materials. Teaching materials that originally delivered at the school is classical, then can be converted into a diindividualisasikan learning through Internet network that can be accessed by anyone from any individual.

The world of education should prepare all the elements in the education system for are not left out or left behind by these developments. Through the implementation and proper selection of information technology (as part of educational technology), then continuous quality improvement can be expected to include distance learning as Open University (UT). Ongoing improvement in consistent / constant will push for change-oriented to improve continuing education. The existence of the information revolution can be a challenge for educational institutions like UT because maybe we are not ready to adjust. Conversely, will also be a good opportunity when educational institutions such as UT able to behave with great openness and try to choose the type of technology appropriate information, as supporting the achievement of quality education.

Application of technology in education such as distance learning in the global era no other information is a form of application the kinds of sophisticated information technology as well as efforts to meet community needs in education.

Teaching and learning process applying technology in education can the use of modules, learning media print and electronic media such as radio, TVM, Internet and computer network systems, as well as other forms teledukasi.

Selection of types of media as a form of application of technology in education must appropriately selected, thoroughly and as needed, as well as meaningful for quality improvement our education (rk).

Karsidi, Ravik, 2000. Integrated Quality Management in Education, Teaching Materials on Pondok Assalam, Surakarta, February 19, 2000. 
Application of Technology for Education Quality Improvement, Education Level Regional Seminar Papers. EKMA FKIP UNS, Surakarta 7 September 2000.
Miarso, Yusufhadi. 1981. In Deed Book VB: Application of Technology in Education Indonesia, Jakarta: Open University (1984/85).
Sasono, Adi, 1999. Community Economy in the Dynamics of Change, Malakah Conference International Economics Network, Sangri-La Hotel, Jakarta, 5 to 7 December 1999.
Sallis, Edward, 1993. Total Quality Management in Education, Kogam Page, London.
Slamet, Margono, 1999. Quality Philosophy and Application of Quality Management Principles Integrated, IPB Bogor.
Wen, Sayling, 2003. Future of Education (Future of Education), Arvin translation
Saputra, Batam: Lucky Publishers.
William, Frederick, 1989. The News Communications, Los Angeles: Wadsworth, Inc.
Wirakartakusumah, 1998. Definition of Quality in Education, Workshop IPB MMT,
Wharf Campus Bogor, 2-6 March 1998.

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